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Promo shot from the Aegekai – Shoko Aida & Kaori Iida Shashinshuu

~Chichuukai Label Selection~ Chichuukai Soundscape Vol.1 (~地中海レーベルベストセレクション~ 地中海サウンドスケイプ Vol.1) is a compilation album featuring Mediterranean classics cover songs from artists represented by zetima’s sub-label Chichuukai, like Hello! Project soloist Iida Kaori.


  1. Koi wa Mizu-iro (恋は水色; Love is the Color of Water) - Aida Shoko
  2. Paris. Je'Taime (パリ・ジュテーム; Paris, I Love You) - Aida Shoko
  3. Je Te Veux (ジュ・トゥ・ヴ; I Want You) - Sasaki Hidemi
  4. Taiyou no Mireille (太陽のミレーユ) - Sasaki Hidemi
  5. IRRESISTIBLEMENT~Anata no Toriko~ - Naito Yasuko
  6. Kanashiki Tenshi (悲しき天使; A Sad Angel) - Ruca
  7. I Proti Mas Fora ~ Saisho no Yoru ~ (イ プローティ マス フォラー~最初の夜~; Our First Time ~The First Night~) - Inaba Akira
  8. Na'fevga ~Kiete Shimaetara~ (ナーフェヴガ~消えてしまえたら~; ~If It Disappears~) - Inaba Akira
  9. Os Avrio -Ai wa Matte Kurenai - Iida Kaori
  10. Ehe Ya: Sayounara- Iida Kaori
  11. Aishite Shimatta (愛してしまった) - Ruca
  12. Namida (涙; Tears) - Ruca
  13. Suna ni Kieta Namida - Naito Yasuko
  14. Ame (雨; Rain) - Naito Yasuko
  15. Hoho ni Kakaru Namida (ほほにかかる涙) - Sasaki Hidemi
  16. Namida no Nichiyoubi (涙の日曜日; Sunday Tears) - Aida Shoko
  17. Amore Scusami - Iida Kaori
  18. La Novia ~La Novia~ (LA NOVIA~ラ・ノビア~; The Girlfriend) - Inaba Akira

Album Information[]

Koi wa Mizu-iro (Cover of the French song "L'Amour Est Bleu")

  • Lyrics: Pierre Cour
  • Composition: André Popp
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Paris. Je'Taime (Cover of the French song "Paris, Je T'Aime D'Amour")

  • Lyrics: Clifford Grey
  • Composition: Victor Schertzinger
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Je Te Veux (Cover of the French song "Je Te Veux")

  • Lyrics: Henry Pacory
  • Composition: Alfred Éric Leslie Satie
  • Arrangement: Haruki Mino

Taiyou no Mireille (Cover of the French song "Ce Ne Sera Jamais Trop")

  • Lyrics:
  • Composition:
  • Arrangement:


Kanashiki Tenshi (Cover of the French Song "Le Temps Des Fleur")

  • Lyrics (French): Eddy Marnay
  • Lyrics: Gene Raskin
  • Composition: Gene Raskin
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

I Proti Mas Fora ~ Saisho no Yoru ~ (Cover of the Greek song "Η πρώτη μας φορά" (I Proti Mas Fora))

  • Lyrics: Elleni Zioga
  • Lyrics (Japanese): Mori Chiyoko
  • Composition: Adonis Mitzelos

Naafebuga ~Kiete Shimaetara~

  • Lyrics: Elleni Zioga
  • Lyrics (Japanese): Mori Chiyoko
  • Composition: Adonis Mitzelos

Os Avrio -Ai wa Matte Kurenai-.

Ehe Ya: Sayounara

Aishite Shimatta (Cover of the Greek song Agapesa)

  • Lyrics: Elleni Zioga
  • Composition: Evanthia Reboutsika
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Namida (Cover of the Greek Song "το δάκρυ" (To Dakry))

  • Lyrics: Elleni Zioga
  • Composition: Panayotis Kalantzopoulos
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Suna ni Kieta Namida

Ame (Cover of the Italian song "La Pioggia")

  • Lyrics: Gianni E. Argenio
  • Composition: Corrado Conti, Mario Panzeri
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno
  • Lyrics (Japanese): Shibano Michi? (柴野未知)
  • Lyrics By, Composed By – Daniele Pace

Hoho ni Kakaru Namida (Cover of the Italian song "Una Lacrima Sul Viso")

  • Lyrics: Giulio Rapetti
  • Composition: Robert Satti
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Namida no Nichiyoubi (Cover of the Italian song "Bella Da Morire")

  • Lyrics:Alberto Salerno
  • Composition: Renato Pareti
  • Arrangement: Tomotsune Maeno

Amore Scusami

La Novia ~La Novia~ (Cover of the Italian song by the same name)

  • Lyrics: J. Prieto, Mogol, T. Dallara
  • Composition: J. Prieto, Mogol, T. Dallara
  • Arrangement:

Oricon Chart Positions[]

Additional Videos[]


External Links[]
