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Attack No.1 (アタックNo.1) was an Engeki Joshibu musical starring ANGERME.[1] It is the first stage adaptation of the volleyball manga of the same name by Urano Chikako, which was originally published from 1968 to 1970 and was also an anime TV series from 1969 to 1971. It ran from November 29 to December 9, 2018 at Zenrosai Hall/Space Zero in Shinjuku.

The DVD was released on April 17, 2019 and includes a photobooklet.


The volleyball manga and sports anime that is known as a monumental work.

Ayuhara Kozue entered Fujimi High School and tried joining the volleyball club.
Hayakawa Midori got into a fight at the national junior high volleyball tournament and has grown a one-sided rivalry.
Their friendship opens up conflict, reconciliation, and unity.
Can Kozue and the Fujimi High School volleyball club become the best in Japan?!

This first stage adaptation is a moving production about the sweat, tears, and friendship of high school girls who dedicate their youth to volleyball.


  • Ichioka Reina as Fujimi High School volleyball club member A (富士見高校バレー部員A)
  • Shimakura Rika as Fujimi High School volleyball club member B (富士見高校バレー部員B)
  • Nishida Shiori as Fujimi High School follower C (富士見高校取り巻きC) / Teradoin High School volleyball club member C (寺堂院高校バレー部員C)
  • Eguchi Saya as Fujimi High School follower B (富士見高校取り巻きB) / Teradoin High School volleyball club member B (寺堂院高校バレー部員B)
From Engeki Joshibu
  • Onoda Ayasa as Fujimi High School follower A (富士見高校取り巻きA) / Teradoin High School volleyball club member A (寺堂院高校バレー部員A)
  • Mahiro Erika as Shimizu Haruko (清水晴子)


  • Original Manga: Urano Chikako
  • Animation Studio: TMS Entertainment
  • Script: Hokimoto Shinya
  • Director: Hoshida Yoshiko
  • Music: Mana Rinko, Ebata Kohei[2]
  • Choreography: YOSHIKO[3]
  • Planning: Kurihara Miwako
  • Producer: Yanagawa Yukiko

DVD Tracklist[]

  1. Opening (オープニング)
  2. Fujimi Koukou Nyuugakushiki (富士見高校入学式; Fujimi High School Entrance Ceremony)
  3. Kozue to Midori (こずえとみどり; Kozue and Midori)
  4. Captain Onuma Miyaki (キャプテン 大沼みゆき)
  5. Hitomi no Omoi (瞳の思い; Hitomi's Thoughts)
  6. Suketto Ishimatsu (助っ人 石松; Helper Ishimatsu)
  7. Shin Volley Bu Setsuritsu!? (新バレー部設立!?; Founding of a New Volleyball Club!?)
  8. Oshaberi Daisuki Suzume (おしゃべり大好き すずめ; Suzume Who Loves to Chat)
  9. Kyoko no Kattou (京子の葛藤; Kyoko's Conflicts)
  10. Oni no Shimizu Coach (鬼の清水コーチ; Demon Coach Shimizu)
  11. Yagisawa San Shimai (八木沼三姉妹; The Three Yagisawa Sisters)
  12. Sparta Tokkun (スパルタ特訓; Intensive Spartan Training)
  13. Shimai no Kizuna (姉妹の絆; The Bond Between Sisters)
  14. Mezase Nihonichi (目指せ日本一; Aiming for Number One in Japan)
  15. Chiku Yosen -Fujimi Koukou- (地区予選 -富士見高校-; District Qualifications -Fujimi High School-)
  16. Chiku Yosen -Teradoin Koukou- (地区予選 -寺堂院高校-; District Qualifications -Teradoin High School-)
  17. Byouin Nite (病院にて; At the Hospital)
  18. Volley Bu no Kiki (バレー部の危機; Volleyball Club in Crisis)
  19. Kozue no Kanashimi (Kozue's Sadness)
  20. Nakama (仲間; Companions)
  21. Inter-High Kesshou -Teradoin Koukou Sen- (インターハイ決勝 -寺堂院高校戦-; Inter High School Finals -Match Against Teradoin High School-)
  22. Inter-High Kesshou -Saishuu Set- (インターハイ決勝 -最終セット-; Inter High School Finals -Last Set-)
  23. Attack No.1 (アタックNo.1)
  24. Curtain Call (カーテンコール)


Date Venue Prefecture Doors Open Show Starts
11/29 Kokumin Kyosai coop Hall (Zenrosai Hall) / Space Zero Tokyo 18:30 19:00
11/30 18:30 19:00
12/1 11:00 11:30
14:30 15:00
18:00 18:30
12/2 11:00 11:30
14:30 15:00
12/4 18:30 19:00
12/5 18:30 19:00
12/6 18:30 19:00
12/7 18:30 19:00
12/8 11:00 11:30
14:30 15:00
18:00 18:30
12/9 11:00 11:30
14:30 15:00
  • Total: 16 Shows



Meeting and Script Read-through
Practice and Interview with Director Hoshida Yoshiko



  1. "アンジュルム主演『全労済ホール/スペース・ゼロ提携公演 演劇女子部「アタックNo.1」』FC2次受付のお知らせ" (in Japanese). UP-FC. 2018-09-11. (archived)
  2. https://twitter.com/ebakohe/status/1068181391056134144
  3. "アタックNo.1☆初日" (in Japanese). Room No.445. 2018-11-29.
  4. Katsuta Rina. "♡ 勝田里奈" (in Japanese). ANGERME Official Blog "ANGERME Amerika Nikki". 2018-11-30.
  5. Kawamura Ayano. "☆12月スタート☆川村文乃" (in Japanese). ANGERME Member Official Blog. 2018-12-01.
  6. Kawamura Ayano. "本日も(^^) 佐々木莉佳子" (in Japanese). ANGERME Member Official Blog. 2018-12-04.
  7. Kawamura Ayano. "☆発表の瞬間☆川村文乃" (in Japanese). ANGERME Member Official Blog. 2018-12-05.
  8. Takagi Sayuki. "アタックNo. 1。 高木紗友希" (in Japanese). Juice=Juice Official Blog. 2018-12-07.

External Links[]
